Friday, June 3, 2011


Week 26

Only 14 more weeks to go

MY BABY CAN SEE!!! Their little eyelids are no longer fused shut and they're probably having their first moments of blurry sight as you read this. Also: they're busy building their super-psychic powers as bazillions of brain cells are growing at a super-speedy rate that won't stop until after my genius baby hits EIGHT YEARS old. Whoa!

**14 minggu tu bersamaan 14 minggu lg nak raya.. huhuhu**

Due date 7 september 2011 nanti. Tapi memandangkan Abang Amir & Kakak Uzma pun awal & nak cepat jek keluar.. saya pun tak yakin bila baby nak kuar..
kalau boleh 6 september lah.. sama ngan birthday abang.. senang nak celebrate.. hehehe...

1 comment:

Mrs. Simplicity said...

due 7 september? sama bdate dgn sy lah! :D